Audiobooks Count as Reading (And They’re Better Than Books)

Audiobooks Count as Reading (And They’re Better Than Books)

Audiobooks have become quite popular in recent times. Audiobooks have, in fact, divided the reading world into two sides. There are a few who think that audiobooks are not the same as reading, whereas some others think they are. This raises the question, do audiobooks count as reading? I will today answer this question in…

5 Serious Reasons To STOP Listening to Music When Reading

5 Serious Reasons To STOP Listening to Music When Reading

I’ve recently developed a habit of listening to music when working; always feeling like a genius when hearing Air’s soft resonances on a G string by J.S. Bach or ‘Clair de lune’ by Claude Debussy. As you could have imagined when I found out that music can impact our productivity negatively, I was shocked. So,…

7 Amazing Reasons You Have to Read “Lord of the Rings”

7 Amazing Reasons You Have to Read “Lord of the Rings”

The Lord of the Rings is a series which comprises of three main books, The Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King published by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien otherwise known as J R. R. Tolkien. Through these three books you get to follow Bilbo Baggins on an extraordinary journey…

7 Terrific Reasons Why You HAVE to Read War and Peace

7 Terrific Reasons Why You HAVE to Read War and Peace

War and Peace is a Russian Classic published by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy otherwise known as Leo Tolstoy. The likelihood is, anyone who have scrolled through a Top Books of All-time list, or Must Reads would have come across War and Peace. Some suspect Tolstoy modeled the characters in the book from his own family members….

7 Legit Reasons Why Reading Fiction isn’t a Waste of Time

7 Legit Reasons Why Reading Fiction isn’t a Waste of Time

Deep fiction reading allows you to slowly create a world in your mind, feel its sensory details and understand the moral and emotional value each of the characters is experiencing. Where it is assumed that nonfiction books are your only ladder to success, I’m here to flip open your prescriptive box and change the way…

Should You Really Read Harry Potter? (It’s Not for Everyone)

Should You Really Read Harry Potter? (It’s Not for Everyone)

Nowadays there is probably no one over the age of 25 who does not know or has never heard of the Harry Potter saga, both the books and the movies. The “Potter” phenomenon created by J.K Rowling more than 20 years ago revolutionized the fantastic literary genre in every way, turning all her followers into…